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Hindhayes Infant School

Headteacher's Welcome

Once again, welcome to Hindhayes Infant School.

At Hindhayes, we believe success is based on the partnerships between pupils, staff and the parent community. We endeavour to enrich and develop each child to be a successful individual that will become an active community citizen of the future.

At Hindhayes we have the highest of expectations of all our members of the school. Through high quality teaching, an engaging curriculum and excellent pastoral care we want all of our pupils to develop the skills and knowledge that they need to be ready for the next stage of their learning journey. With this in mind we work very closely with Elmhurst Junior school, our main feeder school for pupils leaving us at the end of Year 2.

Our website has been designed to give you a flavour of the learning experience that we offer to very young children, however there it is no substitute for visiting our school and so we urge you to come and visit us when the children are working so that you can see first-hand the caring environment that our staff work so hard to establish. Please contact the school office and I will be very happy to take the time to show you and your child around our beautiful school.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Kate Nester