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Hindhayes Infant School


At Hindhayes we strive to inspire and develop positive values within our pupils.

Values are the things that we believe in (our beliefs) and strive for (our ideals). They guide our actions, our thinking and how we feel about ourselves. They make us who we are.

Within education a strong commitment to a structure for the promotion of strong values can; develop a positive ethos and increase self-esteem, improve standards of behaviour and so raise academic achievement.

Values are promoted through; a structured two year programme, a half termly whole school focus, whole school assemblies, classroom circle time session, whole school and classroom rules, displays, whole school ethos, the support and work of the learning mentor, positive role models, school newsletters, support from parents and carers.

The work done in this area is underpinned by the British Values; Democracy, Individual Liberty, The Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of Those who have different faiths and beliefs.