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Hindhayes Infant School

Core Subjects

Core subjects for Key Stage One children are:




Curriculum information shows the Intent, Implementation and Impact of the curriculum in each of these areas of learning starting with the high quality teaching the children will receive in the Reception classes as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Intent: What are we trying to achieve?

Implementation: How is our curriculum delivered?

Impact: Are we making a difference?

Curriculum maps also outlines the current research that has underpinned the shaping of the curriculum offer at Hindhayes. Central to this provision is the focus on access to learning opportunities and experiences that are rich in cultural capital and that lead to children knowing more, doing more and remembering more.

Provision maps for each subject show how knowledge and skills are carefully planned and sequenced in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum to allow children to build concepts from reception, into year 1 and on into year two. They also show in detail those elements that are individual to our school and choices we have made with regard to curriculum opportunity and provision.

Click the links on the left to see a page for each core subject area.