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Hindhayes Infant School

Science Provision Map

This document is subject to change as we continue to work as a school on curriculum development.

Recent research shows us that:  Science is a core subject and therefore provision should be equally as strong and frequent as literacy and maths. (Ofsted, 2019).  There is currently an attainment gap in science at every stage: it is apparent at the end of KS1 and gets wider through primary and secondary education with the gap growing particularly strongly between the ages of 5-7. Strongest factor affecting pupils science is their literacy skills (difficulties understanding vocabulary in particular). There is strong evidence that the ability to reason scientifically – by having sound ‘working scientifically’ skills – is a strong predictor of later success in science. Pupils should therefore have ample opportunity to design and carry out their own experiments and investigations (EEF, 2019). 

Developing Science teaching and learning at Hindhayes -  Use of floorbooks (Spring 2020)    Whole CLP Science project (2020-2022)    Staff meetings focussing on curriculum development / coverage  Outside providers to support Cultural Capital in science (e.g. STEM project, Bubbles Workshop, Life bus).

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