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Hindhayes Infant School

Measure Provision Map

This document is subject to change as we continue to work as a school on curriculum development.

Recent research shows us that: 



Lead author Dr Emma Norris (UCL Centre for Behaviour Change, UCL Psychology & Language Sciences) states: “Physical activity is good for children’s health, and the biggest contributor of sedentary time in children’s lives is the seven or eight hours a day they spend in classrooms. Our study shows that physically active lessons are a useful addition to the curriculum. They can create a memorable learning experience, helping children to learn more effectively.” 

Developing children’s understanding of measure at Hindhayes -  Measure becomes an important part of young children’s lives.  It is a huge part of how they make sense of what is happening around them; when do we go home? Why doesn’t the string go all the way around? What can we use for baby bear’s porridge?  Therefore, experiences around measure need to feature in our daily routines, such as describing the timetable for the day, problem solving around the use of ribbons for different jobs etc.  In the foundation stage, we are fortunate to have a purpose made outdoor area for physical activity that lends itself to practical experiments related to length, weight and capacity.  Into key stage 1, we still promote the use of the outdoors through forest school, maths of the day investigations and science experiments eg do shadows stay the same?  Alongside the physical element of exploring measure, we want the experiences to be helpful to real life, such as counting money, calculating change etc.  We always seek to make connections with wider mathematics, so the use of times tables (counting coins, scales, use of weights), addition and subtraction and  estimating are used integrally.

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