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Hindhayes Infant School

Statistics Provision Map

This document is subject to change as we continue to work as a school on curriculum development.

Recent research shows us that: 



Improving Mathematics in the Early Years and Key Stage One (EEF 2020) make the following recommendation: Dedicate time for children to learn mathematics and integrate mathematics throughout the day.  Make the most of moments throughout the day to highlight and use mathematics, for example, in daily routines, play activities, and other curriculum areas.

Developing children’s understanding of statistics at Hindhayes -  We want to provide regular meaningful opportunities for children to collect and present information, such as do we more girls in class today or more boys?  By regularly discussing comparisons and information, the children become tuned into to the relevant language eg most/least, more/less.  We also want the children to justify their answers by using the data I know this because. The National Curriculum identifies statistics as a year two concept, however our learners will have started this learning journey through ICT and working scientifically before year two.

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