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Hindhayes Infant School

Teaching and Learning

OFSTED June 2023:

"Strong leadership at every level enables the curriculum to improve constantly. Many staff are experts in the subjects they lead. They provide teachers with ongoing subject-specific training, which is based on relevant, up-to-date research. This ensures that staff across the school have strong or improving subject knowledge in the subjects they teach. Subject leaders check that the curriculum is being implemented as they intend. They are astute in their evaluations. For example,  when relative weaknesses in sequences of work arise, leaders are proactive in addressing this directly by providing whatever support staff require to improve the impact of their teaching.

Children get off to a great start in Reception. They learn routines quickly. They form strong relationships with adults. Learning spaces are well-equipped and inviting. This motivates children to explore, practise and deepen their prior learning. Children sustain their learning exceptionally well.

The curriculum is very well sequenced in the early years and builds effectively across Years 1 and 2. This means that pupils' knowledge deepens over time and across the curriculum. Staff use carefully chosen resources to scaffold learning well.

Across the school, pupils benefit from a strong focus on learning foundational knowledge and skills in reading, writing and mathematics and speaking and listening. Alongside this, pupils study a broad and ambitious curriculum. They remember subject content well"


End of year data for year 2 children 2023 with comparison to National Standards.

ARE - Age related expectations. Can also be called EXS - Expected Standard

GD - Greater Depth. Can also be called GDS - Greater Depth Standard




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