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Hindhayes Infant School

Curriculum For Life (PHSE and Relationship Education)

Curriculum For Life at Hindhayes:

PHSE at Hindhayes is a whole school ethos as well as a curriculum area. At the heart of all we do at Hindhayes is an awareness of the needs of the children that we welcome into our school in terms of their PHSE and SEMH development.
Emotion Coaching, Tuning into kids, ACES knowledge, SEMH awards, Forest School, Nurture Room provision, Attachment training, Bereavement and Loss training, Trail Blazing mental health work alongside regular SEND surgeries and Intervention Team meetings ensure that staff are well equipped with the skills they need to reinforce SEL, PHSE, Relationship Education and SEMH skills through our whole school trauma reducing approaches. Interventions such as ELSA with a trained Learning Mentor and small group work to develop social skills are planned, delivered and monitored as well as the use of a whole school progressive PHSE curriculum. The PHSE curriculum at HIndhayes is supported by a clear cycle of beliefs and values and our specific Better Learning Powers where co-operation, resilience and risk taking are explored. Links are made to RSE where appropriate for our young learners and in response to individual children. The new Government guidance sets out the RSE content under the following headings: ‘Families and people who care for me’, ‘Caring friendships’, ‘Respectful relationships’, ‘Online relationships’, ‘Being safe’. There is widespread agreement that children need to be able to recognise abusive behaviour and to know how to seek help if they are worried about abuse or experience it.  The new guidance states that by the end of primary school all children should know: ‘how to report concerns or abuse, and the vocabulary and confidence needed to do so’. At Hindhayes our aim is to ensure that all children leave year 2 feeling confident in whom they can confide in and understand the key elements of positive relationships.