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Hindhayes Infant School

Meet the staff



Mrs Kate Nester

Behaviour & Welfare Specialist


Designated Safeguarding Lead


SEND Specialist

  Inclusion Champion

Deputy Head


Mrs Lucy Shakesby (Chestnut Class)

Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment Lead

Attainment and Achievement Lead - Year 1



English Specialist

EYFS / Year 1 Phonics Champion

Design Technology Specialist

More Able and Gifted Lead

  Deputy Safeguarding Lead
  Educational Visits Co-ordinator



Mrs Sarah Simmonds (Hawthorn Class)

Maths Specialist

Year 2 Phonic Champion

Mrs Emma Plummer (Orchard Class)

Computing Specialist

Attainment and Achievement Lead - Year 2

Music Specialist

Religious Education Specialist

Curriculum For Life Specialist

Mrs Briony Keene (Hazel Class)

History Specialist

Students In School Line Manager

Mrs Katherine Honeywill (Forest School)

PE, Sports Premium & Forest School


Ms Holly Seaward (Oak Class)

Science Specialist

Geography Specialist

EAL Specialist

OPAL Subject Specialist

Mrs Michelle Heap (Beech Class) Reception Teacher

Mrs Emma Cradock (Chestnut Class)                

Year 1 Teacher

Office Staff


Mr Mike Sales

Business Manager

Mr Scott Carpenter                                 

Business Support

Miss Millie Chant Administration Assistant Apprentice

Learning Assistants


Mrs Helima Hislop

Beech Class

Mrs Theresa Edwards

Orchard Class

Mr Matthew Daymond

Orchard Class
Mrs Ange Dobbins Oak Class

Miss Clair Melluish

Chestnut Class

Miss Kelly Flagg                                                                              

Chestnut Class

Mrs Lynn Kellett

Hazel (a.m. only)

EAL Support (p.m. only)

Miss Abi Chant

Hazel Class

Mrs Megan Carpenter Hawthorn Class

Mrs Linda Monoghan

SENCO Assistant (Consultancy Basis)

Mr Andy Leafe


Mrs Ellis Weech

Play Worker

Mrs Tammy Harmsworth

WRAP Manager

Miss Lucy Miles

WRAP Assistant


Catering Staff (External Company - BAM)


Mrs Adele Whitcombe

Kitchen Supervisor

Mrs Tammy Harmsworth

Kitchen Assistant

Miss Lucy Miles Kitchen Assistant
Miss Kerrianne Spraggon Kitchen Assistant

Lunchtime Play Leaders


Miss Millie Chant


Mrs Ellis Weech


Mrs Jude Cooper


Mrs Jenny Humphries


Mrs Helima Hislop


Mrs Lynn Kellett


Mrs Ange Dobbins


Mr Matthew Daymond


Miss Clair Melluish


Mrs Linda Monoghan


Miss Kelly Flagg
Miss Abi Chant
Mr Andy Leafe
Miss Lyndsey Jones

Caretaker & Lettings


Mr David Alger


Cleaners (External Company - Premier)


Mrs Jenny Humphries


Mrs Debbie Mills