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Hindhayes Infant School



Scroll down to open policy documents below.

Information regarding individual subjects can be found in the Hindhayes Curriculum Section.

Core Subjects are:  English, Maths, Science

Foundation Subjects are: Computing, History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology, Music and Physical Education.

Statutory Subjects are: Religious Education, Health Education and  Relationship Education Hindhayes has chosen combine Relationship Education with Personal, Health and Social Education as well as aspects of teaching Citizenship which we call Curriculum For Life.

Follow the links to view the schools statements for Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact.

  1. Attendance Policy Jan 2023
    PDF File
  2. Anti-Bullying Policy Sept 23.docx
    PDF File
  3. Calculation policy addition and subtraction
    PDF File
  4. Calculation policy multiplication and division
    PDF File
  5. Changing for PE and Forest School Guidelines Sept 2023
    PDF File
  6. Charging and remissions Policy updated October 2022
    PDF File
  7. Code of Conduct 2021
    PDF File
  8. Collective Worship 2022
    PDF File
  9. Community Cohesion 2022
    PDF File
  10. Concerns and Complaints September 2023.docx
    PDF File
  11. Concerns and Complaints Policy Annex A B C D September 2023.docx
    PDF File
  12. Curriculum Statement EYFS
    PDF File
  13. Dignity at Work Policy 2022
    PDF File
  14. eLIM online safety policy Feb 2023
    PDF File
  15. Equality Policy September 2023
    PDF File
  16. esafety Policy 2022
    PDF File
  17. Exclusions Policy Jan 23
    PDF File
  18. EYFS Policy Jan 2023.docx
    PDF File
  19. First Aid April 2023
    PDF File
  20. Finance Policy - Reviewed oct 20
    PDF File
  21. fm-swp-23 Food Safety
    PDF File
  22. FoI Publication Scheme and Explanatory Note 2021 (eLIM version)
    PDF File
  23. Freedom of information - December '21
    PDF File
  24. GIfted and Able Policy April 2023.docx
    PDF File
  25. Governor Visit Policy April 23
    PDF File
  26. Governance Expenses policy and claim form
    PDF File
  27. Health and Safety September 2023.docx
    PDF File
  28. Hindhayes Safeguarding Policy September 2022
    PDF File
  29. Hindhayes Relationship Policy July 2021
    PDF File
  30. Induction Policy April 2023
    PDF File
  31. Intimate Care Policy
    PDF File
  32. Medical Conditions Policy Dec 2022.docx
    PDF File
  33. Menopause draft policy October 2022
    PDF File
  34. Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy 2022
    PDF File
  35. Off Site Visits April 2023.docx
    PDF File
  36. Play Policy April 2023
    PDF File
  37. Pupil Premium Policy April 2023
    PDF File
  38. Positive Handling Policy September 2022
    PDF File
  39. Privacy Notice
    PDF File
  40. PSHER and C policy
    PDF File
  41. Relationship Policy July 2021
    PDF File
  42. Reporting Low Level Concerns Policy - October 2022
    PDF File
  43. Restrictrictive Physical Intervention Policy September 2022
    PDF File
  44. Safer Recruitment Policy April 2021.docx
    PDF File
  45. Staff and Volunteer Code of Conduct 2022
    PDF File
  46. Supporting children with medical conditions Policy
    PDF File
  47. Teaching and Learning (including curriculum and assessment) September 2022.docx
    PDF File
  48. Transition Policy Sptember 2022
    PDF File
  49. Uniform policy updated OCt 2022
    PDF File
  50. Volunteer Policy September 2023.docx
    PDF File
  51. Volunteer Helpers additional paperwork September 2023
    PDF File
  52. Child on child Abuse Policy October 23.docx
    PDF File
  53. Whistle Blowing May 2024
    PDF File
  54. SEN policy 2024-25
    PDF File